Salon des Instapreneurs

Juin 2017, Carreau du Temple, Paris

It was the first one and it took place in France: INSTAGRAM organized, on last June 17th, the very first SALON DES INSTAPRENEURS which revealed his community of small and medium-sized businesses. An event produces and set designed by the agency We Love art, which was held in the Carreau du Temple , gathered about 50 instapreneurs, come from all France to the meeting of their community.

That they transformed their passion into business or that they develop their business thanks to Instagram, 50 French entrepreneurs in sectors as the sport, the fashion, the art, the decoration, the child, the food, the beauty or still the health. Based in Paris, in province or even settled abroad, came to share, on their dedicated stand, a little their universe and to sell a selection of their products or services.

Client: Instagram

Photos: Tom McGeehan